Saturday, September 17, 2011

tips on a plane

Air travel in commercial aircraft is fast, convenient, and secure with most of the passengers reach the goal at close range and safely and without disturbing the health effects (vehicle rental Car Rental Agency Airport Car Rental Airport Car & Best). However, aircraft and travel related to certain environmental factors can cause pressure on the tourists, and some tips that could make the trip more enjoyable, delicious kebandara thx you use the Airports Car Hire Best Car Rental & Airport.

effects of altitude
Although aircraft cabins under pressure, so the pressure (the so-called atmospheric pressure) is less than on Earth. Fly in the cabin pressure is the same as in the 5000-8000 meters above sea level, try the best airport car rental and car hire. In other words, if you, the atmosphere in the plane such that in 5000-8000 feet small mountain peaks. This has two effects: there is less oxygen available, because the pressure of oxygen falls below, and gas in our body cavities expands. Both phenomena are usually well tolerated by healthy passengers.
An oxygen) is less oxygen absorbed into the blood and circulate throughout the body during flight as compared with the soil increased due to decreased oxygen cabin with a height (for rental car to the airport, you can melihati du Car Rental Agency, Car Top & Body cars. As long as you are in fairly good health, the body has a physiological mechanism to compensate for a decrease in the amount of oxygen. On the other hand, passenger significant heart, lung, and blood diseases May not tolerate a low amount of oxygen (National Car Rental, Car Best Car & Body) . Therefore, they should consult with a physician prior to air travel to evaluate their ability to travel and to determine whether there is oxygen or other medical assistance special needs. Medical oxygen can be arranged with most airlines and it is important to check with your carrier several days before the flight. In addition, the combination of low oxygen, alcohol, and no active sleep can produce unpleasant side effects like dizziness and / or fainting when standing too quickly after waking up. Arms and legs stand up before exercise will usually prevent this

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!