Monday, September 26, 2011

This Underground Lake Exquisite

 Underground Lake

1. Yucatan Lake 

this Lake Lake is prohibited, because locals believed that the Lake was a gift from God to the Maya in Mexico. The Lake is located in the basement of the response to the Yucatán peninsula Tiger Che

2. Luray Caverns lake 

lake below looked very beautiful and radiant, while the effect of light is the reflection of water in the cave. The cave is located in Luray Caverns, Virginia, United States

3. Banff Lake Cave 

Lake who is located underground in Banff, Canada. Really beautiful


4. Mellisani Lake Cave 

Lake is under the ground in Mellisani Cave, Kefalonia. The lake was found due to debris covering the cave was destroyed by an earthquake in 1953.

5. Cheddar Gorge Cheddar 

Gorge Lake is an underground lake in a cave that was in teradapat in one of the biggest gap in Britain named Cheddar Gorge. In Lake Cheddar oldest human skull found in England in 1903 an estimated 9000 years.

6. Lake Hamilton 

Lake Hamiltan will secaran shocking underground into a natural pool. The lake is located in Austin, Texas, United States, and known by the name of Hamilton.

7. Lechuguilla cave 

Lake in Lechuguilla cave, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico, United States. This cave is the fifth longest cave, which is 193 km in length and depth of 489 m, make no mistake, New Mexico, differs from the Mexican Yes. New Mexico in America and Mexico, in Mexico.

8. Underground Lake

Lake underground Guilin in Guilin China discovered about 1300 years ago during the Tang Dynasty jobs. Absolutely beautiful!