Wednesday, September 14, 2011

AS criticism of religious freedom Indonesia

Although Indonesia is generally respected religious freedom but in some cases countries have failed to protect people from discrimination and harassment based on religion. Similarly, according to a report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) U.S. released Tuesday (09/13/2011). The report, required by the U.S. Congress and covers the second half of 2010, the actual assessment of religious freedom around the world. Associated with religious persecution, the report said, continued to deteriorate in China and Afghanistan. Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and Pakistan was also criticized in the report. In particular on Indonesia, the U.S. State Department report, citing reports from non-governmental organization stated that there are more than 50 attacks against members of Ahmadiyah in Indonesia during 2010 and more than 75 attacks against Christians. The report also criticized Pakistan for failing to reform the blasphemy laws used to persecute people of religious minorities and in some cases tortured Muslims who promote tolerance. The report also said the military-dominated Burma is still holding hundreds of monks in prison following the crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations in 2007.
About China report says, in a sermon of China in a public place or worship in places that are not registered are not allowed. A number of religious and spiritual groups and even banned. The members of the Communist Party of China have been afraid to participate in religious activities. In the southwestern region of China, the report said, Muslim Uighurs face restrictions in making the pilgrimage and wearing a headscarf. Tibetan Buddhist religious leader also reported experiencing discrimination that continues to increase. They are not free to publicly honor their leader in exile, the Dalai Lama, and the face of severe governmental intervention in the running of religion. In Afghanistan, the report said, the government has failed to protect minority Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Bahais are all about 1 percent of the population. They are facing increasing persecution in war-torn country.

Sementara tentang Vietnam, AS mengatakan kebebasan beragama di negara itu memperlihatkan wajah yang ambigu. Pemerintah mengijinkan pembangunan ratusan tempat ibadah baru tetapi pemerintah lokal lambat atau menolak untuk mendaftarkan sejumlah kelompok agama minoritas termasuk Budha Hoa Hao dan kelompok-kelompok Protestan di utara dan baratlaut dataran tinggi.
Di Laos, sejumlah pihak berwenang provinsi curiga terhadap masyarakt non-Buddhis, kata laporan itu. Di antara pelanggaran yang dilaporkan adalah, para pejabat lokal menekan kaum Protestan untuk meninggalkan agama mereka atau mengahadapi ancaman penangkapan atau pengusiran paksa dari desa mereka.