Thursday, November 24, 2011
Gay Men Live as Women, Are Now Married as Husband and Wife
Now, one of them has had gender-reassignment surgery and they were married as husband and wife – while dressed both in wedding gowns, the Daily Mail informs. Their story is definitely not one you see every day and, while both admit it's confusing, they say the reason they decided to go public with it is because they want to show the world that love can overcome any obstacle. “Jenny-Anne Bishop, 65, formerly called Paul, and Elen Heart, 68, who was once named Alan, initially got together as a male gay couple in 2004,” the Mail says. They lived as men for six years, until Jenny-Anne got gender-reassignment surgery. “Father-of-two Jenny-Anne went on to have a breast augmentation procedure this January followed by facial feminization surgery. The couple have now officially tied the knot as 'husband and wife' after opting for a private civil ceremony in North Wales,” the Mail says. Because of their age, they decided it was best if Elen remained a man, which has made it possible for them to be married as man and woman. “It was a beautiful weekend. We had so much support and sheer love from our friends and the wider community,” Jenny-Anne says for the Mail. The tab also has photos of the ceremony. “At the registry office Elen had to be ambiguous, so we made sure she got to celebrate her femininity at the Church, where we were pronounced 'wife and wife',” Jenny-Anne adds. She adds that, despite all the changes in their life, they'd rather not be portrayed as one thing or another. They choose instead to see their journey to present day as one they had to make to find true love. “Basically we are just two people who love each other and wanted to publicly declare and celebrate our relationship. We want to encourage other transgender couples to celebrate their relationships and uniqueness,” she says for the same publication.