Friday, December 23, 2011



Nama                     : Ari Yanto, S.Pd
Jenis Kelamin           : Laki-laki 
Umur                         : 22 Tahun 
TTL                          : Sekunyit, 11 November 1989 
Bangsa                      : Indonesia
Agama                      : Islam 
Status                       : Belum Nikah
Pendidikan Terahir : Sarjana Pendidikan

  1. 1995-2001, SDN 29 Desa Sekunyit Kec. Kaur Selatan. Kab. Kaur (Berijazah)
  2. 2001-2004, SMPN 3 Kaur Selatan. Kab. Kaur (Berijazah)
  3. 2004-2007, MAN BINTUHAN Kab. Kaur (Berijazah)
  4. 2007-2011, Universitas Bengkulu (Berijazah)
  5. 2011, Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) Universitas Bengkulu (Sertifikat) 

  1. Ketua Osis SMPN3 Kaur selatan (2002/2003)
  2. Ketua Pratama Gudep Suderman SMPN3 K-S (2002/2003)
  3. Wakil Ketua Osis MAN Bintuhan (2005/2006)
  4. Anggota Departemen KEORGANISASIAN Himpunan Mahasiswa PGSD UNIB (2008)
  5. Staf K2P Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa FKIP UNIB (2009)
  6. Anggota Ikatan Mahasiswa FKIP Se Indonesia (IMAKIPSI) 2009
  7. Panitia Leadership Training dan Rapat Kordinasi Wilayah IMAKIPSI 2009
  8. Ketua Panitia Pelatihan Manajemen Organisasi (PMO) HIMA PGSD UNIB (2009)
  9. Ketua Panitia Barisan Pelopor HIMA PGSD UNIB
  10. Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL SDN 69 Kota Bengkulu) 2010
  11. Peserta Pendidikan Profesi Guru (Sertifikasi Guru Pra Jabatan) Angkatan IV UNIB 2011
  12. Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL_PPG) SDN 20 Kota Bengkulu 2011 
Alamat      : Jl. Sekunyit Raya, Kec. Kaur Selatan Kabupaten Kaur
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Hormat Saya

Ari Yanto, S.Pd

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Standing broom in Prattville sweeps in paranormal researchers and the curious

everal hundred people have stopped by Vintage Blu, a yet-to-be-opened consignment shop, since the phenomenon was discovered Aug. 20. Dozens of theories to explain what's going on have been thrown out. There must be glue on the bristles of the broom, or there are magnets in the floor working in concert with the buildings electrical system, or maybe ... just maybe ... it's something from beyond at work. "I think it's more strange than spooky," said Christy Burdett, the shop's owner, who has been working for several weeks to get the business open. "But it's been fun." No, there isn't any glue, and there are no magnets in the floor. As to something otherworldly going on, people will have to use their own judgment. It all started out innocently enough. The broom was leaning against a set of mobile shelves when Della Benton, Burdett's sister, moved the shelves on Aug. 20. When Benton looked back, she was surprised to see the broom standing on the floor. "Christy was behind the counter and I told her to get her camera quick and take a picture. I thought the broom would fall over in just a few seconds," Benton said. "We had people walk past it the rest of the day. It stayed there. Spence (Williamson) from the fire department shoved the handle to the side; it went over a few inches and swung back into place." Some 25 hours later a friend stopping by the store touched the broom's handle and it toppled. "We told her she had the Holy Spirit, and she drove the ghosts away," Christy Burdett said with a laugh. The broom is a run-of-the-mill item, purchased from Dollar General. "It's just your average $2.99 broom," said Phillip Burdett, Christy's husband and a Prattville firefighter. "I don't know how to explain it. We've had people just walk in since it happened every day we've been down here. They want to see the broom."

Sustainable Employment Growth Opportunities Of The Future

Since 2008 South Africa has lost 1-million jobs. These jobs are not being replaced in the traditional private sector and South Africa is likely to lose more jobs from traditional employers in the next 5 years, says IQ Business CEO Adam Craker. “While the public sector attempts to create employment opportunities, most of the sustainable employment growth opportunities of the future will need to come from medium-sized enterprises founded by entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs (those with a flair for creating businesses within a corporate environment) in South Africa,” says Craker.  “Consultants and advisors play an important role in the development of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs in the country. Their role ranges from being a sounding board for ideas and providing advice and guidance through to practical hands-on involvement. Most often consultants and advisors help in translating the entrepreneur’s business idea into practical steps, supported by a business plan, either prior to starting the business, or to raise capital for further growth of an existing business,” says Craker  “An entrepreneur is a unique individual that possesses the attributes of a clear vision with attention to detail and the energy and passion to realise that vision, an appetite for risk with a balance of realism, and a desire to innovate and learn. These unique individuals need the help, support, advice and counsel of consultants and advisors to guide them to the realisation of their goals and vision. Our country’s economic future depends on us nurturing entrepreneurs and so we need to do all we can to help them succeed,” says Craker.  “Relative to other countries, South Africa can do more to support and develop entrepreneurs. Most of the support for local entrepreneurs currently comes from within the entrepreneur community itself – with those starting out supporting each other, backed up by successful entrepreneurs that nurture talent and give back to help others,” explains Craker.  IQ Business has decided to do more to support local entrepreneurs and has formed a ventures division that sits alongside its core Management Consulting business. IQ Ventures provides a nursery for entrepreneurs to develop their business idea, utilising IQ Business consultants and resources to accelerate their business. “Instead of charging the normal professional fees for consulting and advisory services, IQ often becomes a long-term business partner in the new venture and exchanges value by taking an equity stake in the business over time,” concludes Craker.

Stronger Super Impact Assessment White Paper Released By The IQ Business Group

The IQ Business Group (IQBG) today released its Stronger Super Impact Assessment White Paper, a follow up to its SuperStream Readiness White Paper released in March 2011. The latest White Paper outlines key issues and considerations for implementing the changes required to meet the MySuper, Tax File Numbers (TFNs), Account Consolidation, and SuperStream initiatives.  This paper reviews operational changes and expected impacts from a Business Strategy, Product and Business Rules, Customers and Technology/Platforms perspective in chronological order, highlighting a range of the major unknown issues that still require further clarification.  “This White Paper is a practical tool to help Superannuation organisations understand both the changes and necessary investment required for Stronger Super. From our perspective, it is part of our ongoing commitment to raise the awareness of the efficiency and effectiveness improvements that this initiative is seeking,” said IQBG’s CEO, Graham Sammells.  He continued, “The Impact Assessment is a logical extension of our first SuperStream Readiness White Paper and it applies to all major aspects of the Stronger Super package of reforms. Superannuation Funds need to be acting now and engaging with a broad set of internal and external stakeholders to review the areas that will be affected. An Impact Assessment is needed to detail the significant preparation and co-ordination required to meet these changes on time and on budget.”  According to Duncan Howard, IQBG’s General Manager of Consulting, there will be a cost of transition to meet the Stronger Super initiatives and this is the baseline for the next step of an Impact Design.  “Superannuation products may change in definition dependent on the variables a Fund selects when preparing for Stronger Super. It is important that every Fund is clear about their MySuper strategy and have made a conscious effort to turn a mandatory change into a beneficial opportunity,” said Howard.  This Impact Assessment White Paper and operational changes guideline is currently being put into practice within the industry with the first Impact Assessment engagement underway.  IQBG’s Principal Consultant and lead Industry Analyst for the assessment, Elizabeth McLean, believes that the White Paper helps identify what actually will change for Superannuation Funds versus pre-conceived interpretations of change.  “The Impact Assessment is the first step in understanding what actions are required immediately from an operational perspective and guides participants through a pre-defined set of questions that need to be asked. For many organisations they may not even be aware of the extent of the questions that they must ask. Our first major Impact Assessment has confirmed that a high level of detail is required in this stage of discovery. Without this information, it is literally impossible to prepare for known change and pending legislation without understanding the impact to a very wide audience,” she said.  IQBG has been providing superannuation funds and service providers with operational and IT insights for more than a decade. It is recognised as the premier consulting organisation for superannuation organisations and it has recently launched two major initiatives, iqBoard for Board Governance and iqCloud, an onshore cloud computing community for the Superannuation industry.  IQBG employees are highly active within key industry associations including Graham Sammells, CEO holding the role of Chair of the ASFA Electronic-Commerce Policy Sub-Committee and membership of the Stronger Super Treasury SuperStream Working Group. Elizabeth McLean is a current member of the ASFA Operations Policy Sub-Committee.

How Do You Interpret The IQ Test Scores?

What is a good IQ score? What is a high IQ score? What is a low IQ score? These are common questions, particularly after someone finds out their score from an IQ test. There are different types of IQ tests with each having their own scale. Hence two people have an IQ of 120 on different scales might not necessarily have the same intelligence level. However all tests and scales use 100 as the IQ of a person of average intelligence. Since the average IQ is said to be 100, hence anything above 100 is considered as above average and below 100 as below average. IQ below 70 is taken as that of mentally challenged person. IQ above 140 is generally considered as that of a genius. We already know that  IQ = Mental Age/Chronological Age X 100 Hence, the normal or average IQ score is 100, which means that the mental and chronological ages coincide. It is true that modern intelligence tests now apply statistical methods to produce a score reflecting one's performance compared to the average performance of his peers. However, the normal or average IQ score will always remain 100. Let us see why?

When we plot a sample of the population's IQ scores on an IQ against percentage chart, it is observed that the population distribution on the IQ scale forms a symmetrical bell-shaped curve. This is known as the "IQ Scale Bell-Curve". It reveals that on an IQ scale of 60 to 100, the number of people with those IQ scores increases and maximum people touch the 100 mark. Then, as the IQ scale increases from 100, the percentage of people with those scores starts decreasing in proportion to the start of the curve. A very small percentage of the population reaches an IQ of over 140. From this chart, it can be thus concluded that a normal IQ score is generally considered to be around the 100 mark. IQ scores are thus calculated on a scale of 0 to 200. A person scoring zero would be literally brain dead, while a score of 200 would mean that the person is probably the smartest person alive on the earth. Since the first IQ test was developed by Alfred Binet and Theophile Simon and their IQ was classified on Simon-Binet scale which was later revised by Lewis Terman into Stanford-Binet scale, this is the most popularly used scale till date and all other modern scales also revolves around it. According to Stanford-Binet scale, IQ is classified as following: Over 140 - Genius or almost genius 120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence 110 - 119 - Superior intelligence 90 - 109 - Average or normal intelligence 80 - 89 - Dullness 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency in intelligence Under 70 - Feeble-mindedness Apart from the Stanford Binet-Scale, another scale popularly used is the Wechsler scale. Here, IQ is classified as: Over 130 - Very superior 120 - 129 - Superior 110 - 119 - High average 90 - 109 - Average 80 - 89 - Low average 70 - 79 - Borderline Under 70 - Extremely low/intellectually deficient Besides, these two scales which use a standard deviation of 15, another scale in popular use is the Cattell's scale which uses a standard deviation of 24. According to Cattell's scale, IQ is classified as: Over 160 - Genius Level 140 - 159 - Highly Intelligent 120 - 139 - Above Average 100 - 119 - Average 90 - 99 - Below Average

Create your own job, activist tells youngsters

“If there are only a very limited number of jobs available, training, and education are solutions only of a temporary nature. The answer is in fostering entrepreneurship,” Matjašič said, responding to new - and bleak - data underlined by the European Commission yesterday (23 November) in the Annual Growth Survey 2012.  For Matjašič, entrepreneurship is not only a form of employment but also a way of realising innovative ideas and solutions.  “Entrepreneurship creates jobs, fosters wealth for society as a whole and particularly via social entrepreneurship, including green entrepreneurship, contributes to community development, supports environmental sustainability and produces social capital,” he said.  The number of young people becoming entrepreneurs remains very low in Europe compared to the United States.  According to the EU Youth Report, only 4% of young people aged 15-24 and 9% of those 25-29 in Europe were running their own business in 2009.  “The main reasons is that 15-39 years olds have a preference for employee status rather than being self-employed are that they prefer regular, fixed income; stable employment with fixed working hours and protection by social security or insurances,” Matjašič said, explaining that in some EU cultures entrepreneurship is still perceived as risky.  Entrepreneurs are seen more as “gamblers” than real businessmen, the European Youth Forum president conceded.  'Youth on the Move'  Youth organisations across Europe are convinced that a standardised youth guarantee, accompanied with adequate financial investments, would help turn inactive young people into entrepreneurs and can tackle growing unemployment rates, as well as kick-start the economy.  As part of the strategy, Youth on the Move, one of the seven flagship projects of the EU's Europe 2020 growth programme, the EU is encouraging member countries to adopt a “youth guarantee scheme”. The scheme would ensure that young people are offered a job, further training or work experience within six months of leaving school.  “Unfortunately, internships [especially those taking place after education] are becoming a widespread practice for precarious jobs for young people with no or little learning involved,” said Matjašič, underlining these internships are replacing real entry level jobs.  Commenting on the European Commission presentation yesterday of its proposal Erasmus for All, the new programme for education, training and youth, Matjašič, stressed that projects offering good quality internships and apprenticeships would greatly contribute to bridging the skills gap.

Denmark wants to make strides on EU budget

The EU's budget for 2014-2020 – called the multiannual financial framework, or MFF, in EU jargon – "will be the biggest single item in the agenda of the Danish Presidency," said Ambassador Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen.  He was addressing a gathering organised by the European Policy Centre ahead of the Danish EU Presidency in the first half of 2012.  When Copenhagen started preparing for the presidency, their experts had thought that it would be possible to wrap up the budget agreement by June 2012.  "But it has become evidently clear that this will not be concluded in June, everybody has been telling us that," he said. Therefore, the assumption is that the 2014-2020 budget would be wrapped up in the second half of 2012 under Cyprus EU Presidency.  However, Tranholm-Mikkelsen insisted that his country would do its utmost and "invest a lot of energy" to leave behind a good basis for the final state of negotiations.  In concrete terms that would be a "negotiating box" of some 15 to 25 pages of draft Council conclusions that would still contain a number of "xxxx" and square brackets signs, he explained.  "Hopefully we will all have at this stage a rather clear idea where we are heading, without actually trying to force a compromise at this stage," he said.  He said that substantial discussion would take place over the 28-29 June Council meeting, when opinions around the tables would be heard. Then at "another summit" the decisions would be taken.  Tranholm-Mikkelsen explained that the effort to come up with a good draft is necessary to help the legislation process, as "in order to pay out money, first you need money, and second you need a legal base".  "We are still trying to count the number of legislative acts proposed by the Commission; our current account is beyond 60 legal acts, in different clusters, some in agriculture, some in cohesion policy, some in research, some in transport, some in health, some in the external area," he said.  The diplomat insisted that the legislation could not be finalised before there would be a budget agreement.  Other priorities  The Danish ambassador said that the first priority would be to deal with the eurozone crisis, adding that his country, which has opted out of the single currency, was not responsible for it. The Danes rejected the euro in a 2000 referendum by a margin of 53.2% to 46.8%.  Tranholm-Mikkelsen said the new Danish government was deeply pro-European and has for the first time appointed a permanent minister for Europe. He also said that within the government programme it is indicated that there will be referendums on two of the three Danish opt-outs – on common security and defense policy, and citizenship, police and justice.  On the third opt-out, the euro, he said that the majority of the Danish parliament  was in favour of joining the European common currency as soon as possible, but because of the crisis, the time was not right to hold a referendum.  If Denmark was not constrained to choose its priorities according to external factors, the priority which would had topped the list would be setting a growth agenda, including green growth, the ambassador said.  But even in the current crisis, he said that it was necessary to look into the future and see from where growth can come from in the medium and long term.  Tranholm-Mikkelsen singled out "external matters" as another priority, emphasising the need to strengthen the European External Action Service. He also touched upon EU enlargement issues [more information].   He also spoke of the need to manage "low intensity" crisis inside the EU, naming the recent Roma expulsion controversy in France, the French-Italian border spat over refugees from Tunisia, and the still outstanding problem of the bid of Bulgaria and Romania to join the Schengen area, which he said was still opposed by one country (the Netherlands).  Regarding the expected report from European Council President Herman Van Rompuy on a possible EU treaty change, expected to be presented at the March summit, he said his country was hoping that the changes would be "as limited as possible".  Tranholm-Mikkelsen said Denmark had the understanding that the 17 eurozone members had "special responsibilities", but would make its utmost to keep the "family of 27 countries together".  Asked by EurActiv whether the Danish presidency would prepare for the replacement of Catherine Ashton as EU foreign affairs chief, as her term expires in the spring of 2012, Tranholm-Mikkelsen said the issue was not on the presidency's agenda.

The European Central Bank cut interest rates by a quarter point to 1.25% in a surprise move on Thursday (3 November), acting boldly to support the ailing eurozone economy at the first policy meeting where President Mario Draghi's was in charge

The Italian has walked into a maelstrom in his first week at the ECB's helm, with eurozone leaders contemplating a future without Greece and economic policy paralysis in his home country threatening to push Rome into the eye of the storm.  But he offered no commitment to scale up the central bank's bond-buying programme to support the likes of Italy and Spain.  "What we are observing now is ... slow growth heading toward a mild recession by year-end," Draghi told a news conference.  "A significant downward revision to forecasts and projections for average real GDP growth in 2012 [are] very likely," he added.  Global markets rose after the annoucement that coincided with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou's decision to scrap a national referendum on the European rescue plan for his country.  The decision to cut rates was unexpected and came despite inflation in the 17-country eurozone staying at 3.0% for a second month running in October, well above the ECB's target of just below 2%.  Draghi said the ECB expected inflation to subside below 2% next year.  "What a starter. It is obvious that the ECB has caught the crisis virus and is trying everything it can to prevent a full-fledged recession," ING economist Carsten Brzeski said.  European leaders said earlier they were prepared for Greece to leave the eurozone to preserve the 12-year-old single currency if Athens does not decide quickly to implement a bailout program, putting the likes of Italy and Spain, and even France, firmly in the markets' sights.  Draghi headed to the G20 Summit in Cannes, France, after his debut news conference as ECB chief.  Europe's ultimatum to Greece, after Prime Minister George Papandreou's decision to call a referendum on a bailout plan, has deepened the crisis and raised pressure on the ECB, which many analysts see as the only institution with the firepower to bring calm.  No shift on bond buying  Draghi gave no hint that the ECB's bond-buy programme, a controversial tool that has led to the resignation of two German policymakers, would be accelerated despite the chaos in Greece threatening to engulf the much larger economies of Italy and Spain.  "Our securities market program has three characteristics: it is temporary; it is limited; it is justified in restoring the functioning of monetary transmission channels," he said.  Draghi succeeded France's Jean-Claude Trichet as ECB chief on Tuesday – a day that saw the ECB buy Spanish and Italian bonds but barely manage to cap a rise in yields on the debt of the eurozone's third largest economy.  He must balance an eagerness to curry favour with the German contingent at the ECB against growing financial market pressure to intervene on a bigger scale to lower the borrowing costs of Italy and Spain.  The premiums investors have to pay to hold Italian and French 10-year government debt over benchmark German Bunds rose on Thursday with signs growing that the Greek government may fall.  Trichet had signalled previously that the ECB was keen to withdraw from the bond-buying policy once the eurozone's rescue fund, the European Financial Stability Facility, gained new powers to intervene on bond markets.  Draghi said the ECB was "closely monitoring" developments in Greece.

Libya Protests vs. Egypt Protests

The widespread Egyptian protests that led to the ouster of that nation’s leader has been a hot item in the news recently. Quick to follow on its heels were the protests in Libya, which seemingly heralded a change in political climates in the region. While it remains to be seen if the Libyan protests will result in a similar change in government, there are numerous parallels to be drawn between the protests in both countries, as you will see in this comparison article.

Profile The Libya protests of 2011 started out as a series of confrontations between citizens and government forces. The thrust of the protests was geared against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. These protests started on February 15, 2011, and are still ongoing at present. The Egypt protests of 2011 followed in the wake of an uprising that started on January 25, 2011. This protest was marked by numerous demonstrations, acts of civil disobedience, and strikes, as well as violent confrontations between protesters and government forces that remained loyal to Hosni Mubarak. These protests took place simultaneously in many Egyptian cities including Cairo and Alexandria.

Triggers/Mitigating Factors The Libya protests are seen by many to be part of a larger series of similar movements in the Middle East and in North Africa. By February 22, Richard Engel of NBC announced that the protests had escalated to full-blown war. While the uprising was seen as an effort to reclaim the country from Gaddafi, who is the longest-ruling autocrat in the world, Gaddafi himself said that it was largely due to the al-Qaeda and "drugged kids". The Egypt protests mirrored similar events in Tunisia, where the country's long time president was overthrown. In Egypt, the protests were comprised of millions of people from different socio-economic backgrounds and religions, all of who united with the goal of overthrowing Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Current Status On February 27, an effort was made by the National Libyan Council to consolidate opposition forces. Rather than attempting to instill an interim government however, this move simply intended to coordinate resistance between the different rebel factions, and to present the opposition with a recognizable a political identity to show to the world. On February 10, 2011, Mubarak formally addressed the nation amid reports of an imminent military coup. Instead of announcing his resignation as many expected however, Mubarak announced the transfer of presidential powers to Egyptian Vice President, Suleiman, while he himself would remain the head of state of Egypt. In response to this, protests continued in even greater numbers and intensity, and by February 11, 2011, Mubarak's resignation was finally announced by Suleiman. Similarities and Differences Libya protests Started out as a series of confrontations between citizens and government forces Thrust of the protests was geared against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and are still ongoing at present Egypt protests Followed in the wake of an uprising that started on January 25, 2011 Resulted in the February 11, 2011 resignation of Mubarak

CNN vs. Fox News

Difference between CNN and Fox News
It is hardly surprising that CNN and Fox News would often be compared with one another, what with both news agencies being the biggest players in the industry and notorious in connection with the White House. The competition between the two has become quite fierce at numerous times in the past to say the least and the question of which one is the better source of news comes up with some regularity. While there are a number of distinct differences between the two, along with their own unique advantages and disadvantages, it may be helpful to realize that CNN and Fox News are both mainstream news sources. This means that they are actually a lot more alike than you would think and they do share a number of similarities. With that being said, let's take a look at their more salient aspects.

Content and Focus CNN generally puts out a greater number of stories than Fox News does and it is slightly more focused on news events related to the international scene. CNN correspondents appear to be less bent on promoting a political agenda than their Fox News counterparts. Fox News for its part tends to offer longer news items with a lot more reinforcement for their storylines. Website Features As for their websites, CNN again wins out in this category with a much more well-designed and more aesthetically pleasing homepage. It also offers a number of useful features that make navigation a lot easier and more elegant. CNN has an advantage over Fox News in that it offers a lot more categories of news. Its pages also load more quickly than Fox News’ and it definitely has a much better search function. For instance, you can perform searches that will call up only certain capitalized words. Fox News’ search function leaves a lot to be desired, since it often fails to display the new articles of the day. Fox News featured articles appear to be more sensuous and pop culture with its flashy images and less focused on serious subjects. CNN also always displays a full page of results, while Fox News displays only three or four news items until you refresh the page, revealing a full news page. To its credit, Fox does include links to recent articles related to the news item. Political Leanings CNN is obviously the more liberal of the two. While the more extreme elements of either side would be quick to point to the relative political moderation of both news services, they do clearly exhibit their leanings. Summary CNN Tends to publish more stories More focused on international issues Website offers more news categories than Fox’s site Website loads a lot faster than Fox’s Has a better search function More liberal bent Fox News Usually offers longer stories Website is designed with more attractive images Typically offers three main stories Site displays only the most recent news, with a refresh necessary for the full page Search function could be improved Offers links for similar stories with every article More conservative stance

Democrat vs. Republican: Which is better?

Difference between Democrat and Republican In the history of American politics, no party has dominated the political landscape as much as the Democrats and Republicans. With almost 120 million voters registered to these 2 parties, they are at each and every nook and corner of American Politics. They take diametrically opposite views on major policy issues, governance, and security and are bitter rivals to say the least! It makes for quite interesting reading when we sit out and trace the origins of the party and try to map out their major ideological differences.

 It may sound impossible, but these two parties have a common origin! In the 1790's the Democratic - Republican Party was formed by Thomas Jefferson and allies to take on the might of the Federalist Party. In 1812, the Party split following differences on who would become the next President and since then the divide between both the parties just seems to have grown larger and larger.

The Republican Party is also known otherwise as the G.O.P or Grand Old Party, an irony in itself as it was established much more lately than the Democratic Party. The Republican party uses the Elephant as its symbol while the Democratic Party is the Donkey. 

The Presidency so far seems to be in favor of the Republicans who have got 18 Presidents elected to the Oval Office, compared to only 15 of the Democrats. Notable Republican Presidents include 1. Abraham Lincoln 2. Theodore Roosevelt 3. Ronald Reagan 4. George Bush { Senior & Junior} Notable Democratic Presidents Include 1. Franklin W Roosevelt 2. John F Kennedy 3. Bill Clinton 4. Barack Obama Registered Voters The Democrats seem to lead in the number of voters registered so far. The Democrats have almost 72 million registered voters compared to 55 million voters for the Republicans. This figure has turned into the Democrats favor recently as they dominate the Senate, the Congress and a majority of the Governors posts across USA. Needless to mention even the present President of the United States is a Democrat. Ideologies Even though both the parties started out together with the same ideologies, now they are just poles apart. While the Democrats lean over the far left, the Republicans are more Right winged. Democrats are more socialist liberals while the Republicans are more social and neo conservatives. Policies The differences in policies become quite evident if we have a look at the budgetary allocation of different Presidents. The Republicans tend to spend more on Defense and Security while Health and Education seems to be the forte of the Democrats. Similarities and Differences So, what do we conclude after our discussion on both the parties Both have a common origin The Democrats have more Registered voters than the Republicans Democrats prioritize on Health and Education, while Defense and Security are the Republicans strong point While the choice of whom you vote for depends on your ideology and thinking there is no disputing the fact that both the parties work for the betterment of the United States of America.

Michele Bachmann vs. Sarah Palin: Who's better?

 Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are both women that are actively involved in government, particularly with the outspoken Tea Party. Though they are very similar, so much so that some people who are not up with the times could get them confused, the two still have some differences between them. The first being where they received their education, the second being the past government offices held, and the third being the public’s opinion of the women.

Education Both of these women are highly educated women who have made a name for themselves in the polities of the United States government. However, the education of these two women differs so much that this could be why so many dislike these two women. Michele Bachmann attended Winona State University, went on to get her JD degree from Oral Roberts University and finally received her LL.M degree from William and Mary Law School. On the other hand, Sarah Palin has a more diverse educational background. Palin ended up attending around five different colleges, where she finally received her bachelor's degree in Journalism after around six years. The first college was the University of Hawaii-Hilo, followed by Hawaii Pacific University, North Idaho College, University of Idaho in Moscow, Matanuska-Susitna Community College in Palmer, Alaska, and finally ending up again at the University of Idaho. Past Government Offices Both of these women have been involved in government for quite a few years, though their backgrounds and positions that they have held are significantly different. Bachmann started out as an attorney in the US Treasury Department where she handled hundreds of cases for the IRS. She then became a Representative for Minnesota, which is what she currently holds. Palin started off with holding government office in the city of Wasilla, Alaska. She then went on to become the first woman Governor of Alaska in which she resigned from in 2009 for many reasons. She also ran as Vice President with John McCain for the presidential election. Public Opinion Both women receive their fair share of public spotlight. However, Bachmann seems to receive a more friendly reception from the public than Sarah Palin. The reason is that people view Bachmann as being slightly smarter since she did get a degree from a reputable school. Palin on the other hand, many people cite as being somewhat ditsy because people believe that she cannot settle on any one idea. However, both women are held highly by many such as those that support the Tea Party, while others, despite them, such as those Democrats. Similarities and Differences Both women are those that people either love or hate. They are both highly involved in the government and have very outspoken opinions. Though there are some significant differences in the two women: Palin attended four different colleges, before she finally received her bachelor's degree in Journalism her fifth time. Bachmann received her law degree from William and Mary Law School. In the past Palin has held government offices at the city and state level. And has the honor of being the first woman Governor of Alaska, she also ran for Vice President with John McCain. Buchmann has held a lawyer position with the US Treasury Department and is currently a representative for Minnesota. Buchmann is publicly defined as being smarter than Palin, while both women are considered outspoken and harsh on their competition.

Veteran Actress Goes Nude Again: Does It Work?

 The 42-year old actress said it’s “one of those rare things” you do in your career. But she said there was a bit of hesitation initially after reviewing the script. However, the director of the film, who also happens to be her boyfriend, advised her, “There’s nothing a ‘real’ actress should be afraid of,” and so she took the role as a big challenge in her life.

But of course there were people opposed to the idea. Her manager, for example, was concerned of Kim Hye Sun tarnishing the clean and cute image she built over her 22-year acting career. She was able to convince him by saying, “The image I built over 20 years could remain the same, but with this scene, I would be adding an alpha - someone that’s not the real me to that image.” But the manager was still upset to the point where he had to run out of the filming set, weeping out of disappointment.  Now, for those of you who don’t know Kim Hye Sun, she’s a veteran actress who debuted in 1989. She won the “Best New Actress” award the following year and the Blue Dragon’s “Best Supporting Actress” award in 1993. In the early part of her career, Kim Hye Sun was a pop icon with a very sweet image (sort of like Lee Min Jung but less popular). Later in her career, she started playing a lot of older and classy roles.  So her nude bed scene comes as quite a shock to many because it’s something you would never expect from an actress of her status. It remains to be seen how it will be received by the fans, and how much she actually “reveals,” but one thing’s for sure - it generated a lot of publicity and her new movie will attract lots of interest, especially from the older male audience.

In recent years, we’ve seen some of the older, more experienced actresses take drastic turns by taking nude (or semi-nude) photo spreads, or filming bed scenes with a younger male counterpart. The first person that comes to mind is the 64 year old actress, Yoon Yeo Jung. In her 2008 film, “A Tale of Legendary Libido,” Yoon Yeo Jung plays an old woman that gets in bed with the male lead, Bong Tae Gyu. It is still regarded as one of the most surprising acts in Korean film history as the age gap between the couple was 34 years. She later admitted she had to do it for the money, but nonetheless she left a long-lasting impression in Korean film history.

Another example is Kim Hye Su. Despite her hot body and repeated calls by male fans to go topless, Kim Hye Su rejected all offers for sex movie scenes until her 36th film. Since her debut in 1986 at the tender age of 17, Kim Hye Su starred in countless movies and TV series, becoming a popular teen idol star in the 80s and 90s. But in 2004, through the movie, “Hypnotized,” she finally filmed a bed scene, reinventing her image as a sexy yet confident woman. She went nude again in 2006 movie “Tazza: The High Rollers,” which firmly cemented her title as the “Sexiest Female Movie Star” in Korea.


I am a Central Florida attorney representing people inOrlando, Kissimmee, Sanford, Deland, Daytona Beach, Titusville, Tavares, Viera, Bartow, and other locations such as Tampa, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and Stuart.  My assistant, Kasey, is always in the office ready to assist you.  If I am not in court or meeting with clients I can talk to you directly.  Kasey can always set up a mutually convenient time to have a consultation either in-office or over the phone concerning your situation.  You can contact us 24 hours a day using our email address. We receive all emails directly to our phones and work office computers. Telephone calls are answered between 9 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday. If our lines are busy please leave us a message. We will contact you as soon as possible

Murder central in Auckland

It was murder central in the High Court at Auckland last week, with four cases being called.  "Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that society has to take the place of the victim and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness; it is the one crime in which society has a direct interest." – WH Auden.  An 80-year-old grandmother. A 36-year-old Samoan man. A 23-year-old drug user. A six-month-old baby. Four people from disparate backgrounds who died violently and whose stories have, by a quirk of timing, overlapped in the same courthouse.  Something stood out from the ordinary at the Auckland High Court last Monday. Four murder cases were called, a statistical blip no doubt, but a reminder of how life can end brutally, with a knife to the chest or a boot to the face.  The cases did not conform to stereotype. Besides a kitchen knife, weapons were in short supply – other victims were stomped, punched or shaken. Motives too appeared to be thin on the ground. Jealousy might be at the heart of one case but, in others, the accused had, according to the Crown, just lost control.  Nothing shines a light on secret lives like a murder trial.  Court 15, Crown v Martin Dennis Olley  Olley is demonstrating how a kitchen knife he was holding ended up embedded in the chest of his friend John Chambers. The incident occurred in the communal kitchen of the Eden Park Lodge boarding house on September 11 last year. The Crown alleges Olley stabbed Chambers in the heart after a deal to sell some jewellery for drugs fell through.  In a rare move, Olley has taken the stand in his own defence. Crown prosecutors relish nothing more than the chance to cross-examine a murder accused, and baritone-voiced Kevin Glubb is in his element. Olley says Chambers came at him with the knife and tried to stab him in the neck.  "Show us how he did that," says Glubb. "Madam registrar, do you have a ruler? Let's pretend that ruler represents the knife."  Olley, dressed in a suit and tie, is handed a metal ruler. Olley asks if Glubb will stand in front of him so he can show what happened.  "I'm not getting too close to you," deadpans Glubb, prompting chuckles from the public gallery.  Olley shows how the knife came towards his neck, and he quickly brought up his arm in a blocking manoeuvre. "It saved me from getting stabbed."  Glubb suggests that is "nonsense", as he would have suffered defensive wounds but only had a superficial scratch. "It doesn't stack up," Glubb says.  "No I disagree, Mr Prosecutor," says Olley, who keeps his cool despite repeated claims he is lying.  A third man came into the kitchen and took the knife from Chambers, the court is told. Olley is alleged to have grabbed the knife and thrust it into Chambers' heart while he was sitting in a chair. "He was still sitting when he got shanked," the witness had said in earlier testimony.  Olley disputes this. Chambers, he says, thrust himself forward from the chair towards him, and he feared for his life. He says he was holding the knife with the handle facing forward and the blade up his forearm, but he brought it up as Chambers arrived and it "connected" with his chest. Everyone in the court is riveted as Olley, again using the ruler, shows how he did it. How often do you see an accused killer reliving the critical moment?  "I suggest you were just so angry, you saw red," says Glubb. "The total opposite – fear," says Olley. "I did not intentionally try to hurt Mr Chambers."  Late on Thursday night, the jury returns, but botches its reading of the verdict. The foreman initially said guilty of murder, but later corrected that to not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter.  Court 5, Crown v Solofa Aiono  Aiono is waiting to hear his fate after a two-week trial. His jury has been deliberating since the previous afternoon. Aiono, 37, is also accused of killing a friend, 36-year-old Sanele Sanato, who died outside his Manurewa home in February, 2009. The force of the attack was such that blood was splattered on a nearby car and house, and a footprint mark was left on Sanato's face. The attack allegedly occurred after Aiono was told about an affair between his wife and Sanato. Outside the court, more than a dozen Samoan women and several children wait to hear the verdict.  The jury eventually comes back with its non-verdict – it is hung. All the players will return next year.  Court 6, Crown v Olinale Ah You  Ah You, 30, is alleged to have fatally stomped and kicked Yan Ping Yang, 80, during a robbery of her Manurewa home on June 11, 2008. She died three days later in Middlemore Hospital.  During a morning tea break, Ah You is being led to the cells by a security guard when he sees his two young daughters in the public gallery. He has a word with the guard, who beckons the children over. They rush to their dad, who hugs and kisses them. It is a fleeting moment of normality after harrowing medical evidence.  Dr Sylvia Boys from Middlemore Hospital's emergency department has given evidence about the night Yang came in. Boys said Yang had extensive facial bruising, her eyes were swollen almost shut, there was bruising to her chest and neck, she was struggling to breathe and was unresponsive. She had multiple rib fractures and a "flail chest", where a segment of the rib cage breaks, becoming detached from the rest of the chest wall.  Doctors were concerned about her level of consciousness. "She was only groaning as opposed to anything comprehensible as language," Boys said. She explained how doctors rate consciousness on a scale of three to 15, and Yang was an eight. Anything less than nine, she said, meant the person usually had inadequate reflexes to protect themselves from drowning in their own secretions.  The family had said Yang fell at home. "These injuries seemed grossly inconsistent with a fall. They were more consistent with an assault," Boys said. She described how flail chests were usually seen in major trauma cases, such as road crashes or 3m falls. "I've seen a farmer who had a bull ram a gate and squash him into a wall."  When Yang left the emergency department, her chances of survival were put at 50 per cent. She regained consciousness and was able to give a statement to police, but died on the third day.  Cross examining Boys, defence lawyer Shane Cassidy wanted to know if the others with flail chests, such as the farmer, had osteoporosis as Yang did. She conceded that, because of the osteoporosis, the amount of force required to cause Yang's injuries was less than for a younger, healthier person.  "It's still a higher impact than someone in a simple fall. We see a lot of elderly with osteoporosis who fall – they do not get those sorts of injuries."  The trial continues.  Court 7, Crown v James Allan Hemana  The wheels of justice ground to a halt in court seven, where the trial of Hemana, 30, on charges of murdering six-month-old Cezar Taylor, the son of his girlfriend, was postponed.  Cezar died from severe head injuries in Starship Hospital on July 28 last year. Police said at the time the injuries were consistent with shaking and a blow to the head. The jury was dismissed after a problem with a juror. A new jury will be sworn in tomorrow.

Mystery surrounds death of rookie security guard

A security guard's first night on the job has proved fatal.  Charanpreet Singh Dhaliwal, 21, was alone on his first "trial" night when he was found dead on a deserted West Auckland building site.  His bloodied body was discovered at the site office, near the Lincoln Rd motorway on-ramp, on Friday morning.  olice called the death "unexplained" and said it was too early to determine if it was homicide. But friends who viewed the body of the devout Sikh said Dhaliwal had blood on the back of his head and coming from his nose.  Bloodstains were also found around his body, near the entrance to the site, which was deserted yesterday as police began their investigation behind a cordon.  Detective Sergeant Eugene Pickett said police had spoken with witnesses and no one from the site was being investigated.  Dhaliwal's Papatoetoe flatmates said their friend didn't smoke or drink, and regularly attended a temple in Otahuhu.  He had "no enemies", they said.  "He's always been with us," Amandeeb Singh said.  "He was happy, a really nice guy. I can't think how it happened, it's a real shock. We thought it might be an accident because he's got no enemies, nothing like that. We don't have time to fight with other guys."  A friend who identified Dhaliwal had told them his body was found without his turban, with his hair messed and blood coming from the back of his head and nose, Singh said.  Dhaliwal was the sole guard on duty, contracted by CNE Security, who asked him to do his first shift for them on Thursday. He had not had a uniform, just a high-vis vest, his flatmates said.  The last Singh heard of his friend was a phone call around midnight.  "He was OK, he just asked 'how are you?' I was busy, I asked him to call later."  But at 6.30am on Friday, Singh learned his friend was dead.  CNE Security owner Chris Elavia said he was in shock. He offered Dhaliwal the shift "for a trial" because he was looking to hire him.  "My regular staff wanted the night off, so I called him for a trial."  Elavia said he had spoken with police and was trying to contact Dhaliwal's family and friends.  "This is the first time in my life that this has happened. I haven't slept for two days."  Dhaliwal arrived in New Zealand alone from Punjab in India two years ago to study IT at the New Zealand School of Education in New Lynn.  He had been looking for work to extend his visa.  His mother and brother spoke little English, and it was hard for friends to tell them they had no information on how he died, Singh said.

Gay Men Live as Women, Are Now Married as Husband and Wife

Now, one of them has had gender-reassignment surgery and they were married as husband and wife – while dressed both in wedding gowns, the Daily Mail informs.   Their story is definitely not one you see every day and, while both admit it's confusing, they say the reason they decided to go public with it is because they want to show the world that love can overcome any obstacle.   “Jenny-Anne Bishop, 65, formerly called Paul, and Elen Heart, 68, who was once named Alan, initially got together as a male gay couple in 2004,” the Mail says.   They lived as men for six years, until Jenny-Anne got gender-reassignment surgery.   “Father-of-two Jenny-Anne went on to have a breast augmentation procedure this January followed by facial feminization surgery. The couple have now officially tied the knot as 'husband and wife' after opting for a private civil ceremony in North Wales,” the Mail says.   Because of their age, they decided it was best if Elen remained a man, which has made it possible for them to be married as man and woman.   “It was a beautiful weekend. We had so much support and sheer love from our friends and the wider community,” Jenny-Anne says for the Mail. The tab also has photos of the ceremony.   “At the registry office Elen had to be ambiguous, so we made sure she got to celebrate her femininity at the Church, where we were pronounced 'wife and wife',” Jenny-Anne adds.  She adds that, despite all the changes in their life, they'd rather not be portrayed as one thing or another. They choose instead to see their journey to present day as one they had to make to find true love.   “Basically we are just two people who love each other and wanted to publicly declare and celebrate our relationship. We want to encourage other transgender couples to celebrate their relationships and uniqueness,” she says for the same publication.

IBG Wiyana Is happy Vovinam succeed in SEA Games

Jakarta (UR): The Indonesia Vovinam chief expressed his relief that the Vietnamese martial art has finally debuted at the SEA Games.  “I’m happy that Vovinam is one of the competition sports. For me and Vietnam, it was not easy to convince the committee and the contestants to showcase the sport,” Ida Bagus Gede Wiyana, the president of Indonesia Vovinam, said.  The Vovinam competition concluded on Thursday.  Wiyana played a pivotal role in bringing Vovinam to the SEA Games. He said he even used his own money to send athletes to various international competitions.  He was also always present to monitor preparations for the competition at GOR Sunter Tanjung Priok in North Jakarta. Wiyana said he had to make sure for himself that the competition would run smoothly as he didn't want his efforts and hard work going to waste.  “I have taken it upon myself to make sure everything was well prepared. We assigned three judges from outside ASEAN to judge the competition to avoid bias during the event," he said.  Wiyana said his attempts to make Vovinam a competition sport at the SEA Games began two years ago when he lobbied KOI and regularly sent athletes to international competitions.  “The first time I proposed an international competition, I was told to do so with my own money. We had no other option. With good performance from our athletes and supports from other nations, we finally convinced Inasoc to include the sport," he said.  At the SEA Games, four countries – Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Indonesia – competed for 14 gold medals on offer in Vovinam.  “Vovinam is new to Indonesia, and also in most other countries. We are developing this sport and coaching athletes in Bali. All the athletes have a background in pencak silat," Wiyana said.     He said Indonesia had to be satisfied with five gold, a silver and eight bronze medals in the competition. “The Vovinam team reached the target set by KOI. However, it did not reach my personal expectation of six gold medals,” he said.  Wiyana said he was grateful the Vovinam competition had run smoothly and the teams were evenly matched. “We predicted that all medals in sparring would be grabbed by Vietnam, but Laos broke that streak,” he said.

Indonesia SEA Games 2011 will be held in 11 days from November 11, 2011 - November 22, 2011 in two host cities, Palembang and Jakarta with 542 gold medals to be competed through 44 sports

Indonesia SEA Games 2011 will be held in 11 days from November 11, 2011 - November 22, 2011 in two host cities, Palembang and Jakarta with 542 gold medals to be competed through 44 sports.  Indonesia is set to host the 2011 SEA Games in the SEA Games Federation Council Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand 6 September 2006. This year is the fourth time for Indonesia to be host country for Southeast Asian countries sports festival after in SEA Games X 1979, SEA Games XV 1987, dan SEA Games XIX 1997.  As the main host, Palembang will concentrate the game in Jaka Baring Sports Complex which covers an area of 45 thousand square meters and also at the sports center Gelora Sriwijaya Palembang.  In Jakarta, competition venues will be centered in Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK). This stadium is the largest and oldest stadium in Indonesia which is very historic for the people of Indonesia which is located in the capital of Jakarta and has seating capacity of about 88 thousand spectators. Currently, Bung Karno Regions stood wide range of facilities for sporting activities in 36 Venues, Politics, Business, Recreation and Tourism.  SEA Games Organizing Committee or commonly abbreviated as INASOC stated there are four keys of success to be addressed during this Southeast Asia countries sport festival, that are the successful of achievement, successful of management, successful of legacy and that no less important is the successful of democratic economy.  For the SEA Games to be memorable especially for Indonesia and all participating countries, one of the impressions building efforts is done by specifying a logo that depicts Eagle with the philosophy of "Garuda Flight above Indonesia Nature?. As a symbol of the country, Garuda in the global sphere is well known and directly associated with Indonesia.  SEA Games Organizing Committee (INASOC) ensures that they will make the 26th SEA Games memorable also by choosing November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11 to hold the opening ceremony. The opening and closing ceremonies will be spectacularly managed along the banks of the Musi River and historic building, Kuto Besak Fort.   List of Sport to be competed in Indonesia 26th South East Asian Games November 11th – November 22th, 2011.  No. Sports 1. Aquatics 2. Archery 3. Athletics 4. Badminton 5. Baseball 6. Basketball 7. Billiards & Snooker 8. Bowling 9. Boxing 10. Bridge 11. Canoeing 12. Chess 13. Cycling 14. Equestrian 15. Fencing 16. Fin Swimming 17. Football 18. Futsal 19. Golf 20. Gymnastic 21. Judo 22. Karate 23. Paragliding 24. Pencak Silat 25. Petanque 26. Roller Sports 27. Rowing 28. Sailing 29. Sepaktakraw 30. Shorinji Kempo 31. Shooting 32. Softball 33. Soft Tennis 34. Table Tennis 35. Taekwondo 36. Tennis 37. Traditional Boat Race 38. Volleyball 39. Vovinam 40. Wall Climbing 41. Water Ski 42. Weightlifting 43. Wrestling 44. Wushu List of Sport and Venues in Two Host Cities of Indonesia 26th South East Asian Games November 11th – November 22th, 2011.  DKI Jakarta  1.   Archery                                                       Lapangan Panahan, GBK, Senayan 2.   Aquatics            Open Water Swimming    Pulau Putri 3.   Badminton                                                  Istora Stadium 4.   Basketball                                                  GOR Basket Sport Mall Kelapa Gading 5.   Bowling                                                      Bowling Jaya Ancol 6.   Canoeing                                                   Cipule, Jawa Barat 7.   Cycling              Track                                Velodrome, Rawamangun       Cycling              BMX                                 Ancol       Cycling              Road Race                       Subang Road       Cycling              MTB                                 Sentul, Gunung Pancar 8.   Equestrian                                                  Arthayasa, Depok 9.   Fencing                                                      Balairung UI, Depok 10. Football                                                      Stadion Utama Senayan 11. Futsal                                                         POPKI Sport Hall Cibubur 12. Golf                                                            Jagorawi Golf Country Club Cimanggis, Bogor 13. Judo                                                           Gedung Judo, Kelapa Gading 14. Karate                                                        Tennis Indoor Senayan 15. Paragliding                                                 Gunung Mas, Puncak 16. Pencak Silat                                               Padepokan Pencak  Silat, TMII 17. Rowing                                                       Cipule, Jawa Barat 18. Sailing                                                         Pantai Marina Ancol 19. Shorinji Kempo                                           Ciracas Sport Hall 20. Table Tennis                                               Hall A GMSB,  Kuningan 21. Taekwondo                                                 POPKI Sport Hall Cibubur 22. Traditional Boat Race                                Cipule, Jawa Barat 23. Vovinam                                                     Gelanggang Remaja Kec. Tanjung Priok, Kel. Sunter Agung 24. Wushu                                                       Tennis - Indoor Senayan     Sumatera Selatan  1.   Athletics                                                     Jakabaring Complex 2.   Aquatics             Diving                              Jakabaring Complex       Aquatics             Swimming                       Jakabaring Complex       Aquatics             Synchronize                    Jakabaring Complex       Aquatics             Water Polo                      Kolam Lumban Tirta 3.   Baseball                                                     Jakabaring Complex 4.   Billiards & Snooker                                    Arena Billiard Jakabaring 5.   Boxing                                                       Gedung Basket Indoor Kampus 6.   Bridge                                                        Hotel Swarna Dwipa 7.   Chess                                                        Hotel Jayakarta 8.   Fin Swimming                                            Jakabaring Complex 9.   Football                                                      Jakabaring Complex 10. Gymnastics                                                Jakabaring Complex       Artistik dan Ritmik                                      Ranau Gymnastic Hall       Aerobik                                                       Dempo Hall 11. Petanque                                                    Jakabaring Complex 12. Roller Sport                                                Jakabaring Complex 13. Sepak Takraw                                            SPC Jakabaring 14. Shooting                                                     Jakabaring Complex 15. Softball                                                       Jakabaring Complex 16. Soft Tennis                                                 Jakabaring Complex 17. Tennis                                                         Jakabaring Complex 18. Volley Indoor                                              Sport Hall Sriwijaya (GOR Kampus)       Volley Beach                                              Jakabaring Complex 19. Wall Climbing                                             Jakabaring Complex 20. Water Ski                                                    Jakabaring Complex 21. Weightlifting                                               GOR Dempo Jakabaring 22. Wrestling                                                    Gedung Serba Guna Jakabaring

LAM QUANG THANH (Head of the Vietnam Sports Delegation) : Let's combine our power and unity through sport

The head of the Vietnamese sport delegation to the 26th SEA Games, Lam Quang Thanh, expressed satisfaction with his country’s achievement of collecting more than 80 gold medals, attributing the success to the athletes’ patriotisms.  He said he had doubted Indonesia’s preparations as the host, particularly with regard to transportation and accomodation, but that he was glad to be proven wrong.  He called on all participating countries to unite and make the SEA Games a platform for bigger achievements. “We all need to share our opinions about how we can be the best at a higher level, especially in Asia,” he said.  Interviewed at a delegation meeting among SEA Games Federations at the Hotel Sultan in Jakarta on Monday, Lam Quang Thanh spoke further to United & Rising about the issue.     The SEA Games are about to end. What do you think of the staging of the Games in general?  Honestly, at first we were a bit worried, because there was a lot of news of Indonesia’s unpreparedness until a few days before the opening, especially in relation to facilities, accommodation and transportation in Jakarta and Palembang.  We were confused at first because we did not have enough tickets to fly to Palembang prior to the opening.  Luckily, the event organizers, who worked with Garuda, helped us. Overall, Indonesia is successful despite some defects. However, these are to be expected. It’s not easy to be a perfect host.     What were the problems faced by Vietnamese athletes during their stay in Jakarta and Palembang?  Primarily the athletes’ village. Athletes were not able to stay in the same place so it was difficult to communicate with each other. In Palembang, the athletes’ village is very small. One toilet, for instance, is used by six people. There’s no athletes’ village in Jakarta. We sleep in hotels. The security is okay, very good, but the traffic jams hinder our communication because the distances from the hotels to the venues are large.     How many athletes did Vietnam send to the Games?  We arrived with 593 athletes who competed in 36 of the 45 sports. Of course we have sent our best athletes.     Has Vietnam fulfilled its aims for the Games?  We are still developing our athletes. We won’t stop trying to improve their achievements. We are strong in pencak silat, gymnastics, athletics, wrestling, shooting, Vovinam, fencing, kempo, karate, taekwondo, judo and rowing. We aimed to win at least 70 gold medals and finish in third place. One day before the end of the Games, we have taken 87 gold, 85 silver and 91 bronze medals.  Of course, this is an incredible leap in our achievement. At the previous SEA Games in Laos, we won 83 gold, 75 silver and 57 bronze medals and finished second behind Thailand. Actually, we were eyeing gold in football, but we lost dramatically to the host in the semifinal.     In which sports do you think the contingent underperformed?  Of course our gymnastics team collected the most medals, 11, because this is an unmeasured sporting event. Subjective decisions can be made. But the fact is our athletes showed their best. Also pencak silat, because we had set ambitious targets given the fact Indonesia really dominates the sport. But we got six gold medals from our 21 athletes.     Vietnam had overtaken Thailand to second place in the medal ranking but was overtaken again. How do you view this competition?  Yes, we overtook Thailand. At that time, our athletes had 12 more gold medals that were won on Wednesday in swimming, billiards, Vovinam, freestyle wrestling, shooting, chess and rowing. However, we realize Thailand is a strong sporting country and they have a good training program that is sufficiently funded. They had to overtake us, we were in second place for only a day.     What is the goal of Vietnam's athletes in the future?  The SEA Games is just a stepping stone ahead of bigger events. In the future, our target is to win at the 2012 Olympics. We hope we can bring home 8-10 gold medals from London. To do that, we will focus on winning other sporting events following the SEA Games.     What bonus is the Vietnamese government offering athletes who win a gold medal?  We’re not giving away any bonuses, but only a token of recognition. However, gold medalists deserve US$ 2,500.     What is your hope for Vietnam at the SEA Games in Myanmar?  The event serves to promote solidarity, friendship and development among ASEAN countries.  Let’s unite our power and togetherness through sport. We must share to improve and perform at a higher levels. I hope Myanmar can be a good host, even better than Indonesia because there are only 25 sporting events in competition. At least that will be more manageable in terms of facilities, meaning it’s not just about the hunt for medals. UR-10


Jakarta, November 19 2011– Football's ticket price for semi final in SEA Games 2011 that will be held on Saturday, November 19 2011, remains unchanged those tickets would still be sold with the same price as on qualification match, the starting price are at IDR 25,000,- and the highest price are at IDR 500,000,-. This settlement on the ticket’s price is due to all the considerations made by the committee to accommodate the requests from the football fans and also as a solid supports for Indonesia national team whose will be up against Vietnam national team in this semifinal match.
Rahmat Gobel – General Director for INASOC stated, “According to our knowledge on International football match, some significant price rising would be applied for the tickets from the qualification rounds until the final match. We might have been planning to raise the price since the beginning of SEA Games 2011, however, by yesterday we decided to not make any changes on to the tickets price for both of the match that will be held precisely later on today. This decision been made to fulfill the genuine requests among society and to show greater supports for our football team.
For all of those football fans that had already bought the tickets through with a higher amount, the rest of the money that have been paid will be returned to each of the buyer and will be taken care by Meanwhile, for all of the media that are going to cover both of the match they will be allowed to enter the venue by showing their official INASOCIdentity that been accredited, namely E, EP, RT1RT2, also HB.
 “We are hoping this decision would greater the chances for all of the Indonesia Football fans to be able to come and give their supports to Indonesia national team. We also would like to remind you to be alert on the counterfeit tickets, please buy the real tickets from the official ticket boxes. Come on Indonesia, You Can do It!”, Rahmat Gobel closed the statement.

South Sumatra hosts farewell party for SEA Games participants

Palembang (UR):
The South Sumatra administration held a farewell party for all athletes and officials at the 26th SEA Games at theathlete’svillage in JakabaringPalembang, on Monday.
Hundreds of athletes and officials were present during the party, with the men dressed in batik.
Organizers tried to foster asense of kinship and intimacy with the colors of all Southeast Asianflags blending into the décor as the attendees began to dance. The athletes looked cheerfuland showed no sign of fatigue from the competition. The party was called the glory of Sriwijaya.
South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerdin thanked the athletes and officials who took part in the Games from November 11 to 22. “The province is very proud to be able to host you all,” Alex said.
He apologized for any shortcomings in the running of the Games and invited the athletes back to Palembang.
“We are ready to host you. South Sumatra is eyeing to be the host of the Asian Games. So see you again at the Asian Games,” he said.
Thai beach volleyball player Kulna said she was happy to visit Palembang. “I only knew about Jakarta, but now I am inPalembang too. The people are friendly. I will come again to Palembang,” Kulna said.
The province played hosttothe opening and closing ceremoniesof the Games. It also held 20 sporting events with around 3,000 athletes competing in and around Palembang. Apart from Palembang, Jakarta and some cities in West Java also hosted Games events.
The head of the athletes’village,Augie Bunyaminsaid , the farewell party was aimed at increasing unity among all the contingents from the 11 participating countries.
“The idea was to bid farewell to the athletes in an intimate atmosphere on the last night before theSEA Gamesend,” Augiesaid.

Koperatif (CL, Cooperative Learning).

Koperatif (CL, Cooperative Learning).
Pembelajaran koperatif sesuai dengan fitrah manusis sebagai makhluq sosial yang penuh ketergantungan dengan otrang lain, mempunyai tujuan dan tanggung jawab bersama, pembegian tugas, dan rasa senasib. Dengan memanfaatkan kenyatan itu, belajar berkelompok secara koperatif, siswa dilatih dan dibiasakan untuk saling berbagi (sharing) pengetahuan, pengalaman, tugas, tanggung jawab. Saling membantu dan berlatih beinteraksi-komunikasi-sosialisasi karena koperatif adalah miniature dari hidup bermasyarakat, dan belajar menyadari kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing.

Jadi model pembelajaran koperatif adalah kegiatan pembelajaran dengan cara berkelompok untuk bekerja sama saling membantu mengkontruksu konsep, menyelesaikan persoalan, atau inkuiri. Menurut teori dan pengalaman agar kelompok kohesif (kompak-partisipatif), tiap anggota kelompok terdiri dari 4 – 5 orang, siawa heterogen (kemampuan, gender, karekter), ada control dan fasilitasi, dan meminta tanggung jawab hasil kelompok berupa laporan atau presentasi.
Sintaks pembelajaran koperatif adalah informasi, pengarahan-strategi, membentuk kelompok heterogen, kerja kelompok, presentasi hasil kelompok, dan pelaporan

Model Pembelajaran Student Facilitator and Explaining

Model Pembelajaran Student Facilitator and Explaining merupakan model pembelajaran dimana siswa/peserta didik belajar mempresentasikan ide/pendapat pada rekan peserta didik lainnya. Model pembelajaran ini efektif untuk melatih siswa berbicara untuk menyampaikan ide/gagasan atau pendapatnya sendiri.
Langkah-langkah pembelajarannya :

1. Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai/KD.
2. Guru mendemonstrasikan/menyajikan garis-garis besar materi pembelajaran.
3. Memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk menjelaskan kepada siswa lainnya, misalnya melalui bagan/peta konsep. Hal ini bisa dilakukan secara bergiliran.
4. Guru menyimpulkan ide/pendapat dari siswa.
5. Guru menerangkan semua materi yang disajikan saat itu.
6. Penutup.

Demikianlah, mudah-mudahan postingan ini dapat menambah khasanah pembelajaran kita sehingga pembelajaran yang dirancang Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat lebih bervariatif, lebih bermakna, menantang sekaligus menyenangkan.

Langkah-langkahnya adalah: informasi kompetensi, sajian materi, siswa mengembangkannya dan menjelaskan lagi ke siswa lainnya, kesimpulan dan evaluasi, refleksi.  43.  Course Review Horay  Langkah-langkahnya: informasi kompetensi, sajian materi, tanya jawab untuk pemantapan, siswa atau kelompok menuliskan nomor sembarang dan dimasukkan kedalam kotak, guru membacakan soal yang nomornya dipilih acak, siswa  yang punya nomor sama dengan nomor soal yang dibacakan guru berhak menjawab jika jawaban benar diberi skor dan siswa menyambutnya dengan yel hore atau yang lainnya, pemberian reward, penyimpulan dan evaluasi, refleksi.

Ditulis dalam Model Pembelajaran | Bertanda Beasiswa, beasiswa daerah, beasiswa pemda, herdian, herdy, kumpulan judul skripsi&tesis, Model Pembelajaran, Model Pembelajaran Student Facilitator and Explaining, pendekatan pembelajaran, proposal, proposal beasiswa, skripsi, strategi pembelajaran, teknik belajar, tesis | 3 Komentar

                             Untuk membelajarkan siswa sesuai dengan cara-gaya belajar mereka sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai dengan optimal ada berbagai model pembelajaran. Dalam prakteknya, kita (guru) harus ingat bahwa tidak ada model pembelajaran yang paling tepat untuk segala situasi dan kondisi. Oleh karena itu, dalam memilih model pembelajaran yang tepat haruslah memperhatikan kondisi siswa, sifat materi bahan ajar, fasilitas-media yang tersedia, dan kondisi guru itu sendiri.

Berikut ini disajikan beberapa model pembelajaran, untuk dipilih dan dijadikan alternatif sehingga cocok untuk situasi dan kjondisi yang dihadapi. Akan tetapi sajian yang dikemukakan pengantarnya berupa pengertian dan rasional serta sintaks (prosedur) yang sifatnya prinsip, modifikasinya diserahkan kepada guru untuk melakukan penyesuaian, penulis yakin kreativitas para guru sangat tinggi.


Bagaimana Lesson study

Bagaimana Lesson study

Untuk dapat memulai kegiatan lesson study maka di perlukan perubahan dari dalam diri guru sehingga memiliki sikap sebagai berikut:
1.      Semangat introspeksi terhadap apa yang sudah dilakukan selama ini terhadap proses pembelajaran.
Pertanyaan seperti apakah saya sudah melakukan tusgas medidik dengan baik?
Apakah saya sudah melakukan tugas seoptimal mungkin?
Serangkaian pertanyaan yang harus dijawab dengan jujur, jawaban tersebut tentu akan medorong pada proses pencarian cara untuk menyempurnakan kekurangan-kekurangan atas jawaban tersebut.
2.      Keberanian membuka diri untuk dapat menerima saran dari orang lain untuk peningkatan kualitas diri.
3.      Keberanian untuk mengakui kesalahan diri sendiri.
4.      Keberanian mengakui dan memakai ide orang lain yang baik.
5.      Keberanian memberikan masukan yang jujur dan penuh penghormatan  (Ridwan Joharmawan,2006)
Kelima sikap tersebut menjadi persyaratan yang harus dipahami dan dipertajam sebelum kita melakukan kegiatan Lesson Study. Selain sikap dasar yang harus disiapkan oleh guru tersebut, maka juga sangat penting peranan dari komponen yang terkait dalam bidang pendidikan, Kepala Sekolah, MGMP, Kantor Dinas Pendidikan, Universitas, dan para pemerhati pendidikan pada komitmen nyata dalam mendukung kegiatan Lesson Study.
Pada dasarnya, Lesson Study dapat dilaksanakan melalui 7 (tujuh) langkah kegiatan, yaitu:
1.      Pembentukan kelompok Lesson Study
2.      Penentuan fokus Lesson Study
3.      Perencanaan Lesson Study
4.      Persiapan observasi
5.      Pelaksaan dan observasi pembelajaran
6.      Tanya jawab (diskusi)tentang pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan, dan
7.      Refleksi dan perencanaan langkah berikutnya (Richarson, 2004)